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Avoid This Man In Mexico 🇲🇽

🇲🇽 Hola todos! Culiacán, city of the Sinaloa cartel, cocaine and for a brief period, Diego Maradona. But the one thing they never tell you about is the orgasmatron lady of the city centre or the terrible table manners of Simon Wilson who barges into cafes throwing his Jugo Chavez all over the place. So if you see him coming to your restaurant and you are a waitress then avoid this man.

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Trucking Through Sinaloa | Mexico’s Narco State 🇲🇽

After a journey down from the altitude of Mexico City, we finally reached the tropics of Sinaloa. Home to the Sinaloa Cartel it is a place we had been warned not to visit, but I wanted to see Sinaloa behind the headlines. Was it as bad as we had been told or not? Join me on a road trip through Mexico’s narco state…

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Trying Mexico’s Village Blood Drink 🇲🇽

We all love Mexican food, right? Tacos, enchiladas, tequila…but whilst in a small village north of Guadalajara I ordered a local beverage of unidentifiable flavour…we decided to call it the Mexican blood pint. Join me on a trip deep into cartel countryside…

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Driving Mexico’s Most Dangerous Road 🇲🇽

Sinaloa; the word alone conjures images of cartels and violence. A place that anyone with an ounce of sanity would avoid, especially a bunch of tourists who would stand out like a sore thumb. Well fortunately me and my friends don’t have much sense so we decided to head deep into cartel country disguised as Mexicans. Join me in part one of a drunken adventure to the home of El Chapo…Culiacan, Sinaloa.

Please check out Harald Baldr’s and Simon Wilson’s YouTube channels for their films from Mexico.

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Solo In Mexico’s Most Dangerous Barrio 🇲🇽

Ask any resident of Mexico City where they would avoid visiting and the answer always come back: Tepito. A barrio of counterfeit markets and dark alleyways where the hoodlums run the streets, the Barrio Bravo ( Ferocious neighbourhood ) is a place I was told not to go to if I valued my life and possessions. But could it really be that bad? There was only one way to find out. I had to go and investigate.

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Midnight Tacos In Mexico City 🇲🇽

Hola Señor y señoras from Mexico City. I have flown here for a week of tacos and tequila with my YouTube friends Harald Baldr and Simon Wilson. Join me on what is bound to be some random drunken adventures in the big daddy of Central America. Viva Mexico!